Open State Scarecrow Contest
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Open State Scarecrow Contest

Chairperson: Becky Morgan at
Premiums In Each Category:
1st-$50 2nd-$30 3rd-$20
Best Scarecrow Representing Fair Theme “Year of Corn”
Funniest Scarecrow
Best Overall Scarecrow

ONE entry per individual, family, group or organization. Open to all ages.
Sign up online at from July 1-August 5. Entries will be accepted on Saturday, August 12, 10am-4pm in the Expo Center. NO late entries accepted.
Scarecrows must have a Corn theme.
Entries must be hand-made and use natural materials. NO commercial costumes, rubber or plastic masks, etc. Scarecrow must be moveable (25lbs or less), be no more than 4’x4’ base and minimum 4’ tall and no more than 6’ tall. Must be self-supporting and weatherproof. No perishable goods, glass or appliances may be used in construction or display. No electricity available. All decorations and props must be firmly attached.
Scarecrows should be in good taste and not offensive. Gruesome, bloody or especially scary entries will be disqualified. No political statements are permitted.
Supply a name for your scarecrow along with your group’s name and scarecrow number that will be displayed. Fair will provide signage. You will be assigned a scarecrow number with your entry confirmation.
Scarecrows must be assembled prior to arrival and setup. Entries will be displayed August 17-August 26.
Scarecrows will be donated to Fiddlers Grove Historic Village unless you pick your scarecrow up on Sunday, August 27 , between 1pm-3pm.
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