Ranch Horse Showdown
Saturday, August 12 - Show Start Time: 5pm
$10/Class, $15/Jackpot
No memberships required/Ribbon & Jackpot Prizes
Pre-enter online at
www.mtsustockhorse.org by August 1st to avoid late fee.
$5 office charge per horse/rider
Day of entries accepted with a late fee of $15
Exhibitors enter at Tennessee Blvd. Entrance.
- Jackpot Payout 1st 70%, 2nd 20%, 3rd 10%
- Checks are mailed 2-3 weeks after the show
- W/T exhibitors cannot enter ANY 3-gaited classes, horses with a different rider can cross enter
- ASTM Helmets OR Western hats must be worn
- Collared shirts and boots with a heel are required
- Any aged horse may show 2 handed in snaffle or bosal
- Judges and show management have final say over rulings
- Proof of Negative Coggins Required at check-in
All proceeds go to benefit the MTSU Stock Horse Team.
Go to
www.mtsustockhorse.org for updates and entry form
Show Management: Andrea Rego- andrea.rego@mtsu.edu
Show will NOT start before 5pm; Arena will open at 4pm for schooling